Friday, June 5, 2015

Why should you use prevention against flea and ticks for your dogs?

Gear for Pets believes in happy and healthy pets.
Summer is approaching fast and the weather is getting warmer which means more bugs are approaching. Keep your puppies safe and update yourself on information of flea and tick prevention.

Fleas can nestle down into your dog’s fur and cause them to itch and scratch. Ticks attach to puppies skin and suck their blood which can cause infections and diseases. Both fleas and ticks can result in health problems for your pet.

Types of Flea and Tick Prevention:

Perform “Tick Checks” by brushing your dog daily and then combing through their hair with your fingers to feel for any ticks.

Topical Ointments or Serums can be squeezed between the dog’s shoulder blades once a month to protect against fleas and ticks.

Collars are a newer trend to flea and tick prevention. They last for several months and make taking care of your pet easy!

Chewable Tablets can also be used for fleas in combination with heartworm prevention. You would still need something else to protect your dog against ticks though.

Note: Other prevention treatments such as powders may be available but may not work as well as the ones listed above.

Bathing your dog is also important to its health and for flea and tick prevention. Be careful to not bathe them to much or you may damage the oils in their skin.


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